You’re in good hands
We are Devon’s leading, independent, specialist Pilates centre, established in 1998. The longest running studio in the area, we are fully equipped with a wide range of authentic Pilates machines to fully optimise your bespoke programme.
We offer private consultations (1-1), studio sessions and small group mat work classes, in a warm, welcoming, friendly environment.
We are well known for our rehabilitation work, progressive tuition and attention to detail. We will always encourage you to achieve your highest goals, whether they are to become pain free or to conquer the full advanced repertoire. You will work on the mat and on the latest specialist Pilates machines, to fully optimise your programme.
We are also a nationally recognised supervised teaching studio for Body Control Pilates (BCP), helping other teachers to qualify in the Pilates method.
“Nothing compares with the quality, consistency and personal attention you get in a dedicated, fully equipped Pilates studio.”
Gillian Daly, GP and client since 2008
Group & Private Classes

“Be in control of your body and not at its mercy.”
— Joseph Pilates
You’re in great hands